About Us

We are working closely with neten Inc. to introduce neten products and technology as well as ancient Shinto philosophy to the US and people outside of Japan. Our mission, like neten’s, is to assist in personal transformation by utilizing technology paired with higher vibrational energy.

*About neten Inc.
Given the advancements in modern science and technology, they started with three questions:

  • Is there a way to apply ancient teachings using modern technology so that anyone can experience a better energetic balance?
  • If ancient teachings and modern science recognize that information is frequency and we are made of information energy fields, can we affect these information fields using digital technology for a healthier balance?
  • If our thoughts and attitudes also make up this energy field, can we utilize digital technology and frequencies emitted by these technological tools to teach ourselves to evolve consciously and hence achieve optimal well-being?

Neten Inc. Company Profile

Neten Inc. Company Profile

Neten Inc. Company Profile

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Neten’s R&D team has committed itself to study the nature of energy, human consciousness, as well as various ancient teaching (ancient Japanese Shinto, Buddhism, Christianity, etc.) and utilizes the company’s background as a technology firm to create tools to help people learn and experience the evolution of human consciousness using digital technology.

Their vision is to use cutting edge technology to contribute to the conscious evolution of not only the individual but also that of the society to bring it into a more coherent state. Many of the current issues humanity faces is a result of confused mind and consciousness, and as such, the most effective way we can contribute to the world is by bringing clarity to this confusion through experiential technology and education based on their knowledge and practice of ancient Japanese Shinto.

Clair Olson
Official Distributor of neten Inc.