Logostron Surf Bed & Vibroacoustic Therapy


"Bone Conduction Theory" advocated by Dr. Hideo Itokawa, The father of Japanese aerospace development program

"People who play instruments listen to two sounds, whether they play stringed instruments or wind instruments. One is sound waves traveling through the air. Sound equipment developers pursue quality in this aspect. Another channel, called "bone conduction", is sound waves traveling through the bon and auditory system as direct vibrations through the body or the hand holding the instrument. 

This channel of sound is not taken into consideration in modern audio and stereo systems.  It is the music conveyed through bone conduction that gives the listener a sense of rapture.

Violinists are inspired by the sounds they produce by holding their violins by their chins. It is because they listen to the sound of vibrations, or bone conduction, transmitted directly from the violin to the chin bone."

 - Hideo Itokawa (1912-1999) Specialist in aerospace engineering. Called the "father of Japan's space and rocket development"

What is Bone Conduction?

The mechanism by which sound is conveyed

There are two types of sound that we hear: air-conducting sounds and bond-conducting sound. Air conduction is caused by the vibration of the air generated by the voice of a person.  It passes through the ear canal and vibrates the eardrum. The vibration is amplified in the middle ear and activate the tip of the auditory nervous system floating in the fluid in the spinal canal of the inner ear. As a result, we recognize vibration as sound.

Bone conduction sound, on the other hand, does not pass through the outer ear or middle ear. Sound vibrations are transmitted directly to the spinal canal of the inner ear and are perceived as sounds as a result of shaking the auditory nervous system floating in the fluid. It is this bone conduction sound that causes you to hear your voice even when you are blocking your ear.

Beethoven composed using bone conduction

Beethoven, who composed a number of famous works like symphonies Nos. 5 and 9, suffered from hearing loss in his later years. Hearing loss is a serious handicap for musicians. It is said that he heard the vibrations transmitted from piano by holding a pencil contacting the soundboard which vibrated through the teeth, cranial bone and to the cochlea. This method can be said to be the beginning of headphone technology that is used for hearing aides and bone conduction, which are no becoming popular.

Bone Conduction creates a healing effect

Based on his own experience, Dr Itokawa pointed out the following:

  • Sound waves captured by the ear and vibrational waves captured by the body are quite different from the perspective of energy
  • Physical vibrations caused by a mother's heartbeat and blood flow experienced during the fetal stage are directly conducted into the bones. These vibrations, which can be considered the origin of sound humans hear, may cause a sense of unease.

The effect of bone conduction is noticed in the right brain. It promotes physiological and psychological changes and has a strong tendency to affect the sphere under consciousness. Furthermore, bone conduction is believed to have healing properties on reduced blood flow, sleeping difficulties, stress, compromised immune systems, and memory loss. 


Concept of “Surf Bed” Development

We have received a great response, especially from relaxation salons.

On the other hand, with the spread of "mindfulness" adopted by GAFA and other well-known U.S. companies, there has been a growing demand for the development of vibration equipment specialized for meditation and consciousness transformation.

By incorporating new materials and equipment while maintaining the advantages of Naminori-fune, such as bone conduction, honeycomb structure mat, and Logostron signal, we have succeeded in developing the Logostron Surf Bed, a completely new device with zero-gravity vibrational sensation.

Tech 1: Special Titanium Body

The body of the Surf Bed is made of special titanium that has undergone a crystalization processing. Titanium has a low internal attenuation rate of sound, and the waves generated by vibration are easily transmitted to other media without being absorbed inside the material.

In particular, titanium treated with this processing has an even lower internal damping rate than unprocessed titanium, making it suitable for use in the diaphragms of high-frequency speakers and in improving the acoustic properties of cellos, guitars, and other instruments.

It was introduced as an ideal material for Surf Bed because it can transmit vibrations generated by vibration generators to the body in an optimal form.

*Crystallization processing produces a unique and beautiful pattern on the surface. This was made possible with the full cooperation of Hollier Corporation in Japan, the only company in the world with such advanced technology.

Tech 2: Vibrotransducer

A Vibrotransducer is a body-sensory acoustic system device that converts electrical signals into mechanical vibrations, making it possible to reproduce sound frequencies below 40 Hz, which was considered difficult with existing technology.

In particular, it can reproduce fine vibrations (considered physiologically comfortable) in the 20-50 Hz range, enabling the necessary vibrations to be transmitted to the body in an optimal manner.

*Sensory Acoustics

When a water bag is placed on a speaker and sound is played, sound vibrations can be felt in any part of the water bag.

When a human is placed in the same environment, sound travels through the body and vibrations are felt on the surface of the body, similar to the same phenomenon as water. Every cell in the body feels vibrations caused by sound waves moving through the body and is considered to be receiving an internal massage.

In this way, organs of the body that are not affected by traditional methods, such as nerve fibers, secretory lines, lungs, heart, blood vessels, and brain tissue, are touched, reacted to, and affected by the sonic vibrations.

Tech 3: Vibration absorbing material

A highly durable cushioning material called Breath Air is introduced inside the titanium body.
Breath Air is a complex three-dimensional structure of intertwined fibers, similar to a white instant noodle made of resin.

By filling the inside of the Surf Bed with Breath Air at a height where the body does not directly touch the ground (floor), we have succeeded in reducing the vibration that escapes from the body to the bottom and transmitting it more directly to the honeycomb structure.

This allows the user to feel the sensation of weightlessness (floating in space, sleeping on the bottom of the ocean, etc.) more directly than with Naminoi-fune, dramatically increasing the effects of meditation and relaxation.

Example of Surf Bed Application

In the example of the Surf Bed combined with Hattron (including the pyramid frame), the vibration waves from below from the Surf Bed are added to the vibration waves from above from the Hattron itself, and then the vibration waves from the pyramid frame surround the area.

This is the original purpose of the Surf Bed, which is to promote the transformation of consciousness through meditation and relaxation.

In addition, by sitting on the Surf Bed in a position where the Hattron wraps around your head, you can expect further benefits by providing optimal vibrational waves to your skull.