Naminori-Fune - Wood Vibroacoustic Bed

Why Just lie on this bed?

Naminori-fune is a bed that helps you live a fuller life by releasing physical, mental, and emotional stress.  Naminori-fune means a ship that smoothly rides the waves in Japanese.

Why is it that just lying on the bed is enough?

The secret lies in the fusion of music with Logostron frequencies and bone conduction vibrations.

Bone Conduction Theory

The late Hideo Itokawa, an authority in aerospace engineering and an expert in acoustic engineering, advocated the bone conduction theory.

He postulated that the energy and emotion acquired from sound, heard by the ear, and the vibrational waves, felt by the body (sensory vibration), are completely different. He asserted that the origin of sounds we hear is the vibration of a mother's heartbeat and blood flow in the womb, but it is the vibration conducted directly into the bones, or "bone conduction", that brings true ecstacy to the listener. 

The sound heard by the ear effects the left brain's neocortex, the outermost part of the brain.  On the other hand, the vibrational energy absorbed directly into the body on a cellular level affects the right brain, stimulating the paleocortex and the deeper paleocortex affecting the subconscious sphere. 

It has shown promise in helping heal on a physical level like colds, blood circulation and sleep and well as on a mental level in the reduction of over-stress, general psychological and neurological issues, and memory loss.

Secret to Creating Resonance

The efficient bone vibration of the Naminori-fune is mad possible by a special silicone mat patented by neten, Inc.

One of the secrets of the bone conduction experience is the structure of this mat. It combines hexagonal patterns and a specific thickness to optimize the vibrations transmitted directly into the body. 

As your body resonates with the sound and frequencies spreading throughout your body, your life force is revitalized, your energy is cleared and you will feel your consciousness expand with clarity.

Logostron System

The Logostron Signal is a special signal created by modeling the natural frequencies of the earth, the planets of the solar system, and the pure vowel sounds and "Kotodama" of Shinto Mantras.

Logostron technology layers these signals in multiple layers and transmits them into the human body as vibrational frequencies and sound.  The source of the LOGOSOUND series contain these Logostron Signals. 


Secret to Creating Resonance

Consciousness consists of three major components: Waking, Sleep, and the hypnagogia state*. Lying on your back while receiving the vibrations of the Naminori-fune facilitates entry into denatured consciousness**, calming and regulating the body and mind, and brining about a relaxing effect.

The vibrational energy helps clear mental and emotional blockage. It is recommended for both meditation practioners and those who have no time to meditate.

Another major feature of the Naminori-fune is that it eradicates physical congestion that impedes optimal health. This bed was developed with the aim of preventing conditions that tend to occur later in life, such as major illnesses, forgetfulness, and bed-ridden maladies, by resetting the physical and mental stresses that tend to accumulate daily.  It helps eliminate them on a daily basis before they cause major issues.  

*Hypnagogia is the transitional state of consciousness between wakefulness and sleep

**Denatured Consciousness is a very relaxed state accompanied by a sense of oneness with the universe and bliss.

Recommended Use

  • Installation in corporate relaxation rooms
  • As an acoustic bed in spas and wellness centers
  • For after sports recovery
  • For general relaxation and energy clearing at home
  • For the relief of minor physical, mental and emotional complaints
  • For daily health improvement and maintenance
  • When you are tired, but cannot sleep
  • For a new musical experience
  • For those who want to experience Logostron signals with their favorite music
  • For energy clearing or "oharai"

Materials: Hinoki

Hinoki is a tree that has been found in Japan since ancient times. It is considered a "protection tree" and often grows around shrines in Japan and used to build traditional Japanese houses. The Naminori-fune is made from Hinoki due to its healing properties as well as for the acoustic overtones it produces.  Please enjoy, not only the unique and beautiful sound of our Hinoki acoustic bed, but also its beauty and calming fragrance.