Logostron Tech


A Learning Device for the Evolution of Consciousness 

The Logostron is a device developed to alter consciousness by intentionally affecting the electromagnetic field of the brain. 

■Frequencies with affinity to the electromagnetic field of the brain 

The brain is a network made up of countless neurons that emit electrical signals, and the entire brain generates an electromagnetic field generated by the electrical activity of those neurons. 

Professor John Joe McFadden, School of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Surrey, focuses on this electromagnetic field and proposes a theory of electromagnetic field consciousness. (Original text below) 

Field theories of consciousness are inherently attractive due to their natural solution to the binding problem. Using theoretical arguments and examining experimental evidence I previously demonstrated (McFadden, 2002) that the brain generates an electromagnetic (em) field that influences brain function through em field-sensitive voltage-gated ion channels in neuronal membranes. Information in neurons is therefore pooled, integrated and reflected into neurons through the brain’s em field and its influence on neuron firing patterns. I pointed out that this self-referral loop has physical and dynamic properties that precisely map with consciousness and are most parsimoniously accounted for if the brain’s em field is in fact the physical substrate of consciousness and conscious volition results from the influence of the brain’s em field on neurons that initiate motor actions. I therefore proposed the conscious electromagnetic information (cemi) field theory: Journal of Consciousness Studies, 9, No. 8, 2002, pp. 45–60 Correspondence: Johnjoe McFadden, School of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 5XH, UK. (Cited from the introduction of The Conscious Electromagnetic Information (Cemi) Field Theory, Johnjoe McFadden) 

It has also been shown that the brain's neural firing can be affected by an external electromagnetic field that is similar in strength and pattern to the electromagnetic field generated in the brain. (C. A. Anastassiou, R. Perin, H. Markram and C. Koch, Ephaptic coupling of cortical neurons.) (Original text below)  

The electrochemical processes that underlie neural function manifest themselves in ceaseless spatiotemporal field fluctuations. However, extracellular fields feed back onto the electric potential across the neuronal membrane via ephaptic coupling, independent of synapses. The extent to which such ephaptic coupling alters the functioning of neurons under physiological conditions remains unclear. To address this question, we stimulated and recorded from rat cortical pyramidal neurons in slices with a 12-electrode setup. We found that extracellular fields induced ephaptically mediated changes in the somatic membrane potential that were less than 0.5 mV under subthreshold conditions. Despite their small size, these fields could strongly entrain action potentials, particularly for slow (<8 Hz) fluctuations of the extracellular field. Finally, we simultaneously measured from up to four patched neurons located proximally to each other. Our findings indicate that endogenous brain activity can causally affect neural function through field effects under physiological conditions. (Cited from the abstract of Ephaptic coupling of cortical neurons by C. A. Anastassiou, R. Perin, H. Markram and C. Koch) 


Kenji Nanasawa, the developer of Logostron, speculated that the medium through which humans directly interact with their own brains is language. He postulated that by converting language into special signals, placing it on a weak electromagnetic wave, and letting it act on the electromagnetic field of the brain, it would be possible to generate neural firing in accordance with the content of the language. 

Logostron Matrix 

By measuring tens of thousands of brain wave frequencies generated when a person hears a word, he identified the brain frequencies corresponding to each phoneme (vowel and consonant). At the same time, he determined the combination of brain wave frequencies corresponding to each of the Japanese syllables represented by the matrix of these phonemes. 

In this way, he created a systemized method of assembling a composite or compound wave. The words to be conveyed were decomposed into a continuum of vowel and consonant phonemes, and by assigning brain frequencies corresponding to each phoneme, the original words were converted to a compound wave of frequencies that easily affect the brain's electromagnetic field.   


* By breaking language down into phonemes, vowels, and consonants, it is possible to determine the brain frequencies corresponding to the 198 sounds (including voiced consonants and syllabic nasals) used in languages around the world. Logostron handles brain waves in the frequency range from alpha waves (8-13 Hz) to gamma waves (30-50 Hz). 


■Changes in behavior patterns can change lives 

The brain continually predicts future events based on its vast memory. People act based on these predictions, and when the predictions turn out to be wrong, they create new predictions by feeding back information obtained from the predictions, and then act accordingly. This unconscious pattern of behavior and thought (habits and beliefs), as well as the pattern of selection of information, such as interests and concerns, gradually becomes fixed through repetition, and are thought to give rise to a personality. 


When a person experiences a sudden change in the environment or a life-threatening accident or illness, a survival prediction occurs rapidly in the brain, and his/her behavior is generated and fed-back based on this prediction. This stimulus has a significant impact on the patterns of memory and prediction that have shaped a person's personality up to that point. As a result, a drastic change in the way one looks at things" or a sudden broadening of ones perspective is thought to occur. 


When the user continues to transmit his or her intentions through Logostron, it is thought to act on the conscious electromagnetic field in the brain, thereby influencing unconscious behavior patterns based on memory. As a result, the user's behavior is continuously adjusted in the direction of their intention, and as a result, the user experiences their transmissions becoming a reality  

In this way, the user can accelerate self-actualization by influencing consciousness as he or she intends. 


* The Logostron Handheld can efficiently influence the conscious electromagnetic field in the brain by transmitting a large amount of information, equivalent to 11,200 letters per second. 

* Neten Inc. develops Logostron and other products based on its own unique hypothesis. Since its mechanism of action has not been proven by modern science, the products developed are only released as prototypes. We are actively conducting demonstrations and research with the aim of making this technology available to more people based on users experiencing remarkable changes in their lives.